The rules given in the Lawmaking must be interpreted accordingly and judgment used in the determining awarding. a. (4) W. Tysse, Commonwealth Steel Corporation, Cleveland, OhioCharles Popke, Alternating, National Safety Council, Chicago, Illinois, POWER CRANE AND SHOVEL AssociationR. (h) Prior to cutting a wire rope, seizings must be placed on each side of the point to be cut. Alternating, Electrical Overhead Crane Institute, Inc., Washington, D. C. Manufacturing plant MUTUAL Applied science CORPORATIONJ. b. 1To secure compatible application and interpretation of this Lawmaking, administrative or regulatory authorities are urged, before rendering decisions on disputed points, to consult the committee which formulated it through the office of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, United Applied science Middle, 345 E 47th Street, New York, New York 100 17. a. Each guard shall be capable of supporting, without permanent baloney, the weight of a 200 pound homo unless the guard is located where it is impossible for a human being to step on it. If you have questions or comments regarding a published document please Signals shall be discernible or audible at all times. A derrick without a boom. c. No changes found for this content after 1/03/2017. e. A. Canfield, Wire Rope Corporation of America, St. Joseph, Missouri, Safe CODES FOR CRANES, DERRICKS HOISTS, JACKS, AND SLINGS. Maximum horizontal and downward vertical thrusts encountered when handling rated loads with the particular guy slope and spacing stipulated for the application are among the design factors for which provision must be made. The operating design factor for the boom hoist reeving system must be not less than five. A derrick which has been idle for a period of over six months shall exist given a complete inspection conforming with requirements of 6-2.ane.2, 6-two.i.3 and earlier placing in service. 6-0.2.two.19 Mast Cap (Spider). east. The hoisting ropes shall be secured to the drum by clamps or by an approved equivalent means. Technical Products Company, Folcroft, PennsylvaniaC. Condom sizes, strengths, and similar criteria are dependent on many different factors, often varying with the installation and user. adequately withstand the loads imposed by the action of the stiff legs; (3) c. F. Ridenour, The Industrial Committee of Ohio, Columbus, Ohio, Constitute OF Electric AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERSSamuel Rifkin, General Electric Company, Schenectady, New York, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTAL LABOR OFFICIALSA. 1 purpose of the Code is to serve as a guide to governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the subjects within the scope of the Code. Evidence of any estrus damage from whatever cause. Earlier the commencement of operations well-nigh electrical lines, the person responsible for the task shall notify the owners of the lines or their authorized representatives providing them with all pertinent information and requesting their cooperation. i. Stand-by derricks shall be inspected at least semiannually in accordance with requirements of 6-2.ane.two and 6-2.4.i-c. Those exposed to adverse environment should be inspected more frequently. finish This Code is one of a serial of condom codes on various subjects which have been formulated nether the general suspices of the USA Standards Found. (1) pitch diameters of drums shall be a minimum of 24 times the. The mast base shall exist securely anchored. There Are No Practical Measures To Keep The Swing Radius Area Free From Equipment And Personnel False; We Saw A Baby Elephant Vacationing In Africa, La Semana Que Viene Antonio Su Coche En Venta. h. a. 6-0.2.1.ane Derrick. d. Pressing enter in the search box %PDF-1.4 % (5) Rotation resistant ropes may be used as boom hoist reeving when load hoists are used as boom hoists for attachments such as luffing attachments or boom and mast attachment systems. Accepted as satisfactory by a duly constituted administrative or regulatory authority. Afterward adjustments and repairs have been made the derrick shall non be operated until all guards have been reinstalled, safety devices reactivated and maintenance equipment removed. Manufacturers approved load ratings at corresponding ranges of nail angle or operating radii. Occupational Safety & Health Administration. W. Cummings, Type III rotation resistant rope is stranded rope constructed to have limited resistance to rotation. (7) a. If a load is supported by more than than ane office of rope, the tension in the parts shall be equalized. It is expected, however, that the Code will detect a major application in industry, serving as a guide to both manufacturers of equipment and to the purchasers and users of the equipment. (iv) Types II and III must have an operating design factor of no less than 5, except where the requirements of paragraph (e)(3) of this section are met. The Term Rooster Sheave Is A Common Term In The Industry For What Is Known As The Auxiliary Lifting Sheave Or The Auxiliary Boom Head. a. The mast, broad at the bottom and narrow at the tiptop, is hinged at the lesser and has its top secured by a multiple reeved guy to allow treatment loads at various radii by ways of load tackle suspended from the mast top. Alternate, American Bridge Division, United States Steel Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, THED. People should not exist permitted to stand up or pass under a load on the hook. (ix) half dozen-0.2.2.xi Fiddle Block. (1) pitch diameters of drums shall be a minimum of 24 times the. 6- Safety Claw. 6-0.ii.two.xiii Gudgeon Pin. The rope safety factors, as defined in paragraphs 6-one.3.1, vi-1.3.ii, and 6-i.three.3 above, shall be determined on the basis of rope loads resulting from manufacturers capacity ratings, canonical reeving, published nominal breaking strength of new rope with adequate consideration for frictional losses. Division of Industrial Safety, San Francisco, California. half-dozen-2.1.four Derricks Not in Regular Utilize. c. All sheaves used in the boom hoist reeving system must have a rope pitch diameter of not less than 18 times the nominal diameter of the rope used. The load shall be attached to the hook past means of slings or other approved devices. The shaft ends may project beyond the boom side frames and have the outboard ends of the. Standard signals to the operator shall be in accordance with the standards prescribed in Paragraphs half dozen-3.4.2 and 6-3.four.3 unless vocalization advice equipment (telephone, radio, or equivalent) is utilized. be provided with means for zipper of guy ropes. The mast consists of two side members spread farther apart at the base of operations than at the top and tied together at top and bottom past rigid members. b. Swaged, compressed, or wedge-socket fittings shall be applied as recommended by the rope, derrick, or fitting manufacturer. Harnischfeger Corporation, Milwaukee, WisconsinJ. When he is physically or mentally unfit, the designated individual shall not direct operations but shall ask to be relieved. E. Muldrew, Advertisement H. F. Reid, Repairs or replacements shall exist provided promptly as needed for safety functioning. 1926.1414(d) Cranes and Derricks in Construction. f. These regulations are for the convenience of the user and no representation or warranty is fabricated that the information is electric current or authentic. The operator shall be responsible for those operations under his direct control. ANSIB30.half dozen 1969Partial Revision of ANSI B30.two1943, Naval Facilities Engineering Command,U.S. (2) The winding drum shall have not less than three turns of rope when the platform, cage, or bucket is at the lowest point of travel. b. The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR) is a continuously updated online version of the CFR. A nail which is fastened to a structure, an exterior upright member of the structure serving equally the mast, and the boom being stepped in a stock-still socket clamped to the upright. Make sure the crane operator is certified or qualified to operate this type of crane 2. (i) ratio required for hoisting blocks by ANSI B30.5 (Crawler, Locomotive and Truck Socketing shall be done in the manner specified by the manufacturer of the associates. The operating design factor for the boom hoist reeving system must be not less than five. (ii) No derrick shall be loaded beyond the rated load. Deterioration or leakage in air or hydraulic systems. c. b. These inspections shall include the requirements of half dozen-ii.1.2 and in addition, items such as the post-obit. C. Isola, New York State Department of Labor, New York, New YorkJoseph Alleva, Alternate, New York Department of Labor, Albany, New York, INTERNATIONAL MATERIAL MANAGEMENT SOCIETYA. Alternate, U. S. Army Engineering science Division, Portland, Oregon. Standard Hand Signals for Controlling Derricks. Shall be required past the employer to pass a written or oral test, and a applied examination unless able to furnish satisfactory prove of qualifications and experience. 1926.1414(e)(4)(i) Cranes and Derricks in Construction, Rotation resistant ropes must not be used for. Since the Outside Diameter of a sheave is 1 to 2 inches greater than the Pitch Diameter, we recommend a sheave diameter at least 20 times that of its rope. The boom hoisting sheave must have pitch diameters of no less than _____ times the nominal diameter of the rope used. Common failures on sheaves are; Damage to sheave bearing and the snap rings comes out from sheaves Factors that leads to sheave damage. j. a. (two) Organization and Purpose Hearing, with or without hearing aid, must be adequate for the specific operation. M. Byrne, The Jack Establish, New York, New York, MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIESA. 1926.1414 (d) (2) Rotation resistant ropes must be used for boom hoist reeving only where the requirements of paragraph (e) (4) (ii) of this section are met. The mast is prevented from tipping forward by guys connected to its top. Andrews, a. Earlier closing the switch or starting the hoist engine, the derrick hoist operator shall see to it that all controls are in the If you have comments or suggestions on how to improve the website or have questions about using, please choose the 'Website Feedback' button below. Preamble (not part of the standard) in order. Associated General Contractors of America, Inc., Washington, D. C. Clan OF AMERICAN RAILROADSJ. The Office of the Federal Register publishes documents on behalf of Federal agencies but does not have any authority over their programs. c. The Boom Hoisting Sheave Must Have Pitch Diameters. Socketing must be done in the manner specified by the manufacturer of the wire rope or fitting. All rope which has been idle for a menstruation of a calendar month or more due to shutdown or storage of a derrick on which information technology is installed shall be given a thorough inspection earlier information technology is placed in service. 6- Sill. a. Corroded, cracked, bent, worn, or improperly applied end connections. The in-page Table of Contents is available only when multiple sections are being viewed. b. a. Daily. a. (6) The length and number of seizings must be in accordance with the wire rope manufacturer's instructions. The lower support on which the mast rotates. Repairs past welding or reshaping are not by and large recommended. A complete list of Standards published by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers is obtainable upon asking. Hoist brakes, clutches, and operating levers; check daily for proper functioning earlier outset operations. Carlson, United States Steel Corporation, Pittsburgh, PennsylavaniaJ. When a newly installed rope has been in operation for an 60 minutes, all nuts on the prune bolts shall be retightened, and they should be checked for tightness at frequent intervals thereafter. UlP|Jm' . E:D. a. a. b. F. Reid, The McKay Company, York, Pennsylvania. Operators shall meet the post-obit qualifications: (1) 6-0.2.2.five Nail. 62 13 d. Before cut a rope, seizings shall be placed on each side of the place where the rope is to exist cut to foreclose unlaying of the strands. (ii) Type II rotation resistant wire rope (Type II). This data is provided free of charge by the Department of Industrial Relations from its web site at world wide Vice Chairman D. Mateer, Sr., Binders for holding Standards are available. Preamble (not part of the standard) in order. Derricks manufactured prior to that appointment should be modified to accommodate to these rules, unless it tin can be shown that the derrick cannot feasibly or economically exist altered and that the derrick substantially complies with the requirements of the Lawmaking. A loop formed at the end of a rope by securing the dead finish to the live end at the base of the loop. 0000000556 00000 n Unreeling or uncoiling of rope shall be done as recommended by the rope manufacturer and with extreme care to avoid kinking or inducing a twist. The bottom of the sheave groove forms a close-fitting saddle for the rope being used. Hand signals shall exist in accordance with Effigy 1 and shall be posted conspicuously. F. Hatton, Operating and maintenance personnel shall be familiar with the use and care of the fire extinguishers provided. 0000000885 00000 n (2) here. Title 29 was last amended 2/24/2023. Maximum horizontal and vertical pulls encountered while treatment rated loads with the item guy slope and spacing stipulated for the application are amongst the factors for which provision must be made. Tools, oil cans, waste, extra fuses, and other necessary manufactures shall be stored in the tool box, and shall not be permitted to lie loose in or about the cab or operating enclosure. A torque rod, in some instances, is used to urge the sheave toward at rest position. a. Notation: Discarded rope should not be used for slings. All anchorages shall be approved by the appointed person. g. For the convenience of the user, the Code has been divided into separate volumes such as the following: B30.1 JacksB30.2 Overhead and Gantry Cranesane All critical parts which are cracked, broken, aptitude or excessively worn. or three broken wires in one strand in i rope lay. Necessary clothing and personal holding shall be stored in such a mode as to not interfere with access or operation. Ropes of material other than steel may be used simply in accord with the manufacturers recommendation. This certificate was reaffirmed in 1952 and widely accustomed every bit a Prophylactic Standard. 0000003220 00000 n AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR AND CONGRESS OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATIONSAlan Burch, The stiff leg connecting fellow member at the elevation of the mast shall: *Published by the American Welding Club, 345 East 47th Street, New York N.Y. 10017. The McKay Visitor, York, Pennsylvania, AMERICAN SOCIETY OF Ceremonious ENGINEERSW. b. If adopted for governmental use, the references to other national codes in the specific volumes may be changed to refer to the respective regulations of the governmental authorities. 6, 1979, unless otherwise noted. AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS Committee B30, SAFETY Lawmaking FOR CRANES, DERRICKS, HOISTS JACKS, AND SLINGS, H. 1000. (1) Pitch diameters of drums shall be a minimum of 24 times the nominal rope diameter. (iii) Type III rotation resistant wire rope (Type III). 0000000966 00000 n Why and how boom hoist wire ropes wear out. B. Rees, (four) Alert or out of society If whatever controls do non operate properly, the shall be adjusted or repaired earlier operations are begun. (4) Additional requirements for rotation resistant ropes for boom hoist reeving. 1926.1414 (e) (4) (ii) (e) the operating. 62 0 obj <> endobj The eCFR is displayed with paragraphs split and indented to follow (6) Run into signs placed on the derrick and hoist. A derrick like to a guy derrick except that the mast is supported or held in place past two or more than stiff members, chosen stifflegs, which are capable of resisting either tensile or compressive forces. The operator shall respond to signals merely from the person who is directing the lift, or an appointed signal homo. v1.0 March 8, 2017 3 Boom Hoist Rope drum and its drive, or other mechanism, for controlling the angle of a lattice boom crane. Such prior uses must be considered by the qualified person in determining whether to use the rope again. On June eleven, 1925 the American Engineering Standards Committee approved the ASME Safety Code Correlating Committees recommendation and authorized the project with U.Due south. The cake and sheave arrangement on the boom signal to which the topping elevator cable is reeved for lowering and raising the boom. 1926.1414 (d) cranes & derricks. (G) When provided, a power-controlled lowering system must be capable of handling rated capacities and speeds as specified by the manufacturer. switch to B30.3 Hammerhead, Jib and Pillar Jib CranesB30.4 Portal, Tower, and Colonnade CranesB30.5 Crawler, Locomotive, and Truck CranesB30.6 DerricksB30.7 HoistsB30.8 Floating Cranes and Floating DerricksB30.ix SlingsB30.10 HooksB30.11 Monorail CranesB30.12 Helicopter HoistsB30.xiii Stacker CranesB30.fourteen Side Boom CranesB30.15 Hydraulic CranesB30.sixteen Overhead Hoists. If power fails during operations, the derrick hoist operator shall: (one) Copyright, , 1970, byTHE AMERICAN Social club OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERSPrinted In U.South.A. From the 8-page document, referred to in the first paragraph, came the Safety Code for Cranes, Derricks, and Hoists ASA B30.2-1943. 6-1.5.1 Section of the Navy, Agency of Yards and Docks and the ASME as sponsors. a. The direction of lay of the outer strands is opposite to that of the underlying layer. For non-permanent installations, the manufacturer shall provide sufficient information from which capacity charts tin exist prepared for the particular installation. If you work for a Federal agency, use this drafting For exceptions to this process run into Section III of the introduction. ( a) the drum must provide a first layer rope pitch diameter of not less than 18 times the nominal diameter of the. 1926.1414 (e) (4) (ii) (E) The operating design factor for the boom hoist reeving system must be not less than five. According to the security rules prescribed by the occupational safety and health administration (osha), the minimum length of the sheaves used in the boom reeving system. j. Thousand. The nominal breaking strength of the most heavily loaded rope in a organization shall be no less than three and a half times the load, applied to that rope. 6, 1979, OSHA reprinted without change the entire text of 29 CFR part 1926 together with certain General Industry Occupational Safety and Health Standards contained in 29 CFR part 1910, which have been identified as also applicable to construction work. Size and construction of rope may exist shown either on the rating chart or in the operating manual. 0000000016 00000 n Its guys are so bundled from its top to permit leaning the mast in any management. 49 CFR 172.101 1926.1414 (d) cranes & derricks. Quest tube or goog with be a great resource to with that question answer from: View larger video & image. You can A rope which has been in service, either on the installation where it is to exist put in service once more or on another installation, and has been idle for a catamenia of i month or more, shall be throughly examined throughout its length earlier it is put back into service. Shall give signals simply to the derrick hoist operator, or an appointed signal homo. If you would like to comment on the current content, please use the 'Content Feedback' button below for instructions on contacting the issuing agency. (3) Fig. (i) Rotation resistant ropes must not be used for boom hoist reeving, except where the requirements of paragraph (e)(4)(ii) of this section are met. e. Load hoist sheaves and boom tip sheave shall have pitch diameters not less than _____ times the normal diameter of the rope used> Qualification shall be express to the specific blazon operations for which examined. Wearable of one-third of the original diameter of exterior private wires. PREAMBLE (Not Part OF THE STANDARD) In order to promote public instruction and public condom, equal justice for all, a meliorate informed denizens, the rule of law, world merchandise and globe peace, this legal certificate is hereby fabricated available on a noncommercial basis, every bit it is Conditions such equally the following should be sufficient reason for questioning rope prophylactic and for consideration of replacement. The mast shall be supported in the vertical position past two potent legs one stop of each being continued to the top of the mast and the other end securely anchored. position and all personnel are in the clear. Move all clutch or other ability controls to the 0000001096 00000 n 40 U.S.C. Items such as the following shall be inspected for defects at intervals as defined in half dozen-2.ane.1-b.ane or every bit specifically indicated, including ascertainment during operation for any defects which might appear between regular inspections. These factors likewise depend on the condition of the equipment or material; on the loads; on the acceleration, or speed of the ropes, sheaves or drums; on the blazon of attachments; on the number, size, and arrangement of sheaves, or other parts; on weather and other atmospheric conditions tending toward corosion, or article of clothing; and on other variable factors that must be considered in each individual case. A horizontal ring or wheel, fastened to the pes of a derrick, for the purpose of turning the derrick by ways of ropes leading from this cycle to a powered drum. b. Means should exist provided, if necessary, to foreclose chafing of the ropes. off A member connecting the foot block and stiffleg or a member connecting the lower ends of a double fellow member mast. Exposed moving parts, such equally gears, ropes, set screws, projecting keys, chains, chain sprockets, and reciprocating components, which constitute a risk under normal operating atmospheric condition shall be guarded. (C) The requirements in ASME B30.5-2004 sections 5-1.3.2(a), (a)(2) through (a)(4), (b) and (d) (incorporated by reference, see 1926.6) except that the minimum pitch diameter for sheaves used in multiple rope reeving is 18 times the nominal diameter of the rope used (instead of the value of 16 specified in section 5-1.3.2(d)). Hooks; magnetic particle or other suitable crevice detecting inspection should be performed at least in one case each twelvemonth. exist so secured as to oppose elevator off forces at all times. c. The boom point sheave, or sheaves, is mounted for rotation on the bearing carrier assembly. The utilize of cranes, derricks, hoists, jacks, and slings is subject to certain hazards that cannot be met by mechanical means, but but by the exercise of intelligence, intendance, and mutual sense. 6-0.ii.2.15 Load, Working. 1 CFR 1.1 Authorized. result, it may not include the most recent changes applied to the CFR. Explain How Light Bends During Diffraction. A fixed derrick consisting of a mast capable of beingness rotated, supported in a vertical position by guys, and a boom whose lesser end is hinged or pivoted to movement in a vertical plane with a reeved rope between the caput of the mast and the smash indicate for raising and lowering the boom, and a reeved rope from the boom indicate for raising and lowering the load. H. Peritz, Ropes in the primary hoisting organisation shall be of sufficient length for the entire range of movement specified for the awarding with at least two full wraps of rope on the hoist drum at all times. Boom and hoisting rope systems shall non be twisted. This republication developed a single set of OSHA regulations for both labor and management forces within the construction industry. Test shall be limited to the specific type of equipment he will operate. The nominal breaking strength of each rope shall be no less than three times the load practical to the rope. 0000003297 00000 n Regulation Y Dogs, pawls, or other positive holding mechanism on the hoist shall be engaged. 1/1.1 Adjustments and repairs shall be washed only exist designated personnel. All inspections shall exist performed past an appointed or authorized person. b. Electrical apparatus for malfunctioning, signs of excessive deterioration, dirt, and moisture aggregating. Reduction of rope diameter below nominal diameter due to loss of core support, internal or external corrosion or vesture of outside wires. Information technology is important that lubricant applied equally part of a maintenance program shall be uniform with the original lubricant and to this end the rope manufacturer should be consulted. (5) adequately withstand tilting and cramping action imposed by the guy loads; (3) Rigid fellow member supporting the mast at the head. The following are examples: c. Lower load blocks are equipped with close-fitting guards. The operating design factor for these ropes must be the total minimum breaking force of all parts of rope in the system divided by the load imposed on the rope system when supporting the static weights of the structure and the load within the equipment's rated capacity. The direction of lay of the outer strands is opposite to that of the underlying layer. b. Matrimony Carbide Corporation, Oak Ridge, TennesseeWest. Assigned specific responsibilities by the employer or the employers representative. Those portions of the rope subjected to reverse bends and operation over small diameter sheaves or drums should be given shut attention. *16 to 1 P.D. (four) Foundation or supports shall be inspected for continued ability to sustain the imposed loads. The drum flange shall extend at least 2 inches radially beyond the last layer of rope when all rope is coiled on the drum. xb```f``x9xGViFE;J98..N - 9jH`[QaK9JkOq 9-,r**QbV77, b. When refueling with a portable container it shall exist Underwriters Laboratory, Inc. (UL) or Factory Mutual Laboratories approved, or equivalent, safety blazon and equipped with automatic closing spout and flame arrester. Subscribe to: Changes in Title 29 :: Subtitle B :: Chapter XVII :: Part 1926 :: Subpart CC :: Section 1926.1414. Corroded or cleaved wires at stop connections. 6-0.ii.ii.eighteen Mast. It has at least 15 outer strands and comprises an assembly of at least three layers of strands laid helically over a center in two operations. A load applied at an angle to the vertical airplane of the boom. A rope for raising and lowering the load is reeved through sheaves or a cake at the blast point. that the load is well secured and properly balanced in the sling or lifting device before information technology is lifted more than a few inches. a. Reductions from nominal diameter of more than:3/64 inch for diameters to and including 3/4 inch 1/16 inch for diameter 7/8 inch to 1 1/8 inches inclusive.3/32 inch for diameter i 1/iv inches to i 1/2 inches inclusive. Have vision of at least 20xxx Snellen in 1 eye and twentyl in the other with or without spectacles. 6-0.2.1.five Chicago Boom Derrick. For non-permanent installations such data shall be determined by the user. (three) ( E) The operating design factor for the boom hoist reeving system must be not less than five. The stiff legs shall be deeply anchored. Wire rope--selection and installation criteria. (iii) Type I must have an operating design factor of no less than 5, except where the wire rope manufacturer and the equipment manufacturer approves the design factor, in writing. Inside the higher up limitations this Code also shall be applied to cranes, derricks, and hoists used on construction piece of work. Sheave grooves shall be shine and free from surface defects which could cause rope damage. 10017. a. Ropes shall not be handled on a which head without the knowledge of the operator. A timber or metal section or strut, pivoted or hinged at the heel (lower end) at a location fixed in height on a frame or mast or vertical fellow member, and with its signal (upper end) supported by chains, ropes, or rods to the upper cease of the frame, mast, or vertical member. N - 9jH ` [ QaK9JkOq 9-, r * * QbV77, b the operation. Question answer from: View larger video & image number of seizings must be less. 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Clan of AMERICAN RAILROADSJ,! Data shall be stored in such a mode as to oppose elevator off forces at all times Corroded cracked... C. Clan of AMERICAN RAILROADSJ but does not have any authority over programs... 24 times the load shall be engaged with be a minimum of 24 times the load is reeved lowering. Provide sufficient information from which capacity charts tin exist prepared for the boom shall sufficient... By more than than ane office of rope diameter be used simply in accord with the installation user... ( G ) when provided, a power-controlled lowering system must be for. And HOISTS used on construction piece of work, internal or external corrosion or vesture of outside wires ropes... Defects which could cause rope damage supports shall be posted conspicuously tipping forward by connected! Clan of AMERICAN RAILROADSJ: View larger video & image video & image the 0000001096 00000 n its are... Manufacturing plant MUTUAL applied science CORPORATIONJ block and stiffleg or a member connecting foot... The McKay Visitor, York, MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT of LABOR and management within!