The action revolves around three different locations and characters. The Doctor and UNIT troops converge on the church Osgood is holed up in. The read through for The Zygon Invasion took place on Wednesday, 29 April, 2015. He opened his review by saying that the episode "arguably became the most important Doctor Who episode since Vincent and the Doctor tackled depression back in 2010". In 1950, Ralph Edwards, the host of the radio quiz show Truth or Consequences, announced that he would air the program from the first town that renamed itself after the show; Hot Springs won the honor. But cracks are showing in this delicate peace. The Seventh Doctor had the symbol in rows across a tank top very similar to the one Osgood wears at the beginning of this episode. Since, one of the Osgoods has fallen at the hands of Missy and a young, rebellious group of Zygons have gone rogue, thus breaking the ceasefire. The slower pace allows more room to showcase the acting talent on display here and Jenna Coleman particularly shines in her dual role. She further praised the episode's political themes by saying "The parallels between immigration debates aren't exactly subtle here, but they're so well-drawn it's impossible to mind". I did the Zygon voices. (10th, 11th and War Doctor in the Tardis.) Leave a message. In the meantime, the Doctor learns about the current situation: the splinter group is holding Osgood hostage in order to get information on the Osgood Box. The aliens next showed up in The Day of the Doctor and The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion is their third full adventure. Taking shelter in a police department, Osgood pulls up the Doctor's number on her phone to call him. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The Doctor shouts no in disbelief; UNIT soldiers are still THIS stupid? It served as a sequel to The Day of the Doctor, having a beginning sequence dedicated to the relative plot point of this story. Meanwhile, Clara arrives home from work and checks her phone, to discover that the Doctor has left over 127 messages on her phone. Inside a basement room, the Doctor finds the control node responsible for communicating with the Zygons and birthing more of them. The Zygon insurgents aren't allegorical to real-world terrorists, but they areto borrow J.R.R. The Doctor leaves a message saying that he is keeping an eye on two dangerous creatures, which are two little girls playing on a slide. What can a lawyer do if the client wants him to be aquitted of everything despite serious evidence? They explain Operation Double - the peace treaty with the Zygons. Harry Sullivan wore the Fourth Doctors scarf in Terror of the Zygons and Romana sported a long scarf and a very Doctorish coat in Destiny of the Daleks. Kate states the gas was developed in secret at Porton Down, alluding to Harry's location as reported by the Brigadier in the serial Mawdryn Undead (1983). In Turmezistan, Osgood is forced to read a video message declaring the splinter group's intent to go to war. Rise Of The Cybermen/The Age Of Steel, If Osgood does make it out of next week alive, we need to figure out her future Doctor-inspired wardrobe choices. He asks Kate if UNIT still has the presidential aeroplane, prompting Clara to remind him that he hates being president of Earth. Do EMC test houses typically accept copper foil in EUT? Producer: Though it's possible that a real world location doesn't exist in the same geographic space in the Doctor Who universe, such cases are few and far between. I snogged a Zygon once The Doctor is referring to the events of The Day of the Doctor when he shared a kiss with a Zygon who had assumed the features of Queen Elizabeth I. Russell T. Davies era never really developed much of a cohesive take on modern issues beyond a vague distrust of modern technology, be it the upgrades of Rise Of The Cybermen/The Age Of Steel or the killer GPS of The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky.. This real-life catastrophe, which is suspected to have been caused by ISIS, positions this story further as achingly relevant. CLARA: It's a town in New Mexico. At that point she didnt know Steven Moffat intended her return In fact he deliberately wrote the scene in The Day of the Doctor where Osgood and her Zygon sister bond, intending it to be a central element of a future adventure with the shape-shifters. London, Truth or Consequences and Turmezistan, 21st century Zygons, a shape-shifting alien race, and humans live in peace together on earth, but a group of rogue zygons threaten the peace between humans and zygons.Zygons, a shape-shifting alien race, and humans live in peace together on earth, but a group of rogue zygons threaten the peace between humans and zygons.Zygons, a shape-shifting alien race, and humans live in peace together on earth, but a group of rogue zygons threaten the peace between humans and zygons. Right after she gives the Doctor a mock salute as he boards the presidential plane, Jenna Coleman can be seen sneezing, but the scene continues without interruption. Her ongoing sartorial impersonation of the Doctor now officially encompasses the period of the Doctors lives in which he was just randomly slapping questions on all his clothingget a gander at the 7th Doctor-approved question-mark jumper in the pre-credits sequencewhich in real life happened because then-producer John Nathan-Turner insisted the Doctor ought to be mysterious and had a crushingly direct way of realizing this brief. Is this true? Club also enjoyed the episode, awarding it a B+ grade. The town's police station used computer-generated images known as E-FITs. When Clara investigates whats happened to Sandeep, she goes into his parents flat and stands in a room, believing shes talking to the boys father. Kate tells her of Z-67, created by a UNIT naval officer back in the 70s or 80s, which basically turns Zygons inside-out. It received an Appreciation Index score of 82. 20 million Zygons have been given asylum on Earth so long as they maintain human forms. @JasonBaker Because I played fair and didn't start to write up my answer until. The episode is the first episode of a two-part story, the second part being "The Zygon Inversion", which aired on 7 November. The Doctor points out that it plays directly into the radicals hands to attack them, as that only serves to radicalize the moderates. However, Jac points out that Zygons do not clone humans, they replace them; she then comes to the horrifying conclusion that Clara is a Zygon and orders her troops to flee. Both have shirts with question marks on the collar points, a common element of the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Doctors' outfits. Previous The Zygon Inversion was the eighth episode of the ninth series of Doctor Who. The Doctor and Osgood bring a Zygon, injured from a bombing run, aboard their flight back to the UK. The box is the Osgood Box, which can start and end a war with humans and Zygons. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. After this, the episode slows down, focusing on Bonnies attempt to find the location of the Osgood Box (which can apparently break the Zygon/human ceasefire) and the Doctor and Osgoods search for Clara. Admittedly, the show is playing a bit of a dirty trick on its audience, as the concealment of the twist relies in part on the fact that, well, Doctor Who has long since trained us to look past apparent inconsistencies in Claras character. In city apartment blocks, lifts are going missing, and far below the streets of Britain, alien pods are growing in secret caverns. Clara takes a gun, oddly elated at the idea of violence. The two Zygons are swiftly captured by their own revolting species and a video of the execution is sent to the Doctor. The number of distinct words in a sentence. The main spectacle unfolds in the closing 15 minutes when the truth of the Osgood Box (or in fact boxes) is revealed and Kate and Bonnie are faced with identical 50:50 choices that could lead to victory or defeat. Osgood asks the Doctor why he does not use the question mark motif any more, to which he replies that he still does on his underpants. The UNIT personnel scream in horror. Even Clara's story is correct, according to the town website's FAQ: The town's name was changed from "Hot Springs" to "Truth or Consequences" on March 31, 1950, after Ralph Edwards, the host of the popular game show "Truth or Consequences," called for any town in America to do so - in celebration of the show's ten year anniversary. 31 October 2015 The strong subtext in the story concerning contemporary immigration and terrorism has been noted by many commentators and reviewers and has been widely discussed on social media. : ; 300 euro energiepauschale; where does jemma redgrave live Back in the UK, UNIT arrives to exterminate the Zygons pods. Right after Clara sees Sandeep being carried away, a Zygon zaps her head and knocks her out. It followed The Zygon Invasion and was succeeded by Sleep No More. "Council of Geeks" The Zygon Invasion - Take Two Doctor Who Review (TV Episode 2020) Movies, TV, Celebs, and more. Do the cities in the DC Universe correspond to real world cities? Unfortunately as well as continuing this positive trend The Zygon Inversion begins by continuing a negative trait inDoctor Who, providing a cheap and rushed solution to an initially impressive cliff-hanger. She then successfully fooled Bonnie, the Zygon leader of the group Truth or Consequences, who had taken on the form of Clara Oswald, into thinking that the Zygon had killed her and taken her form. The Zygons have shape-shifting abilities, allowing them to replicate the appearance of another being. Thats probably about the extent of the parallels, though, and it would be a mistake to say The Zygon Invasion is making any particularly deep point about the current geopolitical situation. Flashback. The Zygon Invasion was the seventh episode of series 9 of Doctor Who. They were glimpsed in flashback during Logopolis and Mawdryn Undead and mentioned in several stories including Remembrance of the Daleks and more recently, The Power of Three. To top it all off, UNIT's scientific advisor, Osgood, sends a desperate message to the Doctor - but since Osgood is long dead, how is that even possible? [15], "The Zygon Invasion" received positive reviews. What The Zygon Inversion lacks in action it makes up for in compelling performances and an intelligent and powerful final act. Doctor, the ceasefire's broken down. The Doctor, Clara, Kate and Jac head to the location of the Zygon nest. The Zygon Invasion almost justifies this past silliness by having Osgood wonder what the question actually was, which both ties the collar in with an ongoing preoccupation of the Moffat era and, more importantly, totally wrongfoots the Doctor as he attempts to interrogate Osgood about her own identity. Next [27] Ross Ruediger of New York magazine highly acclaimed the episode, awarding it five stars out of five. Filming started on Tuesday, 5 May and included studio shoots plus location work in Wales and Fuerteventura. I love the fact that this Doctor apparently spends all his downtime playing the electric guitar. Kate also explains that there have always been two Osgoods, the human and the Zygon, ever since the ceasefire, while the Doctor says that "both of them" were real; the duo refused to single each other out as human and Zygon, seeing each other as equals. Main enemy: Theres not necessarily anything new we actually learn about the Zygon threator, for that matter, Kate as a personleading up to the reveal that Norlander was a Zygon all along and Kates latest apparent death. However, Clara states she heard it was a town in New Mexico, on Trivial Pursuit; it is also where Osgood went missing after a Zygon outbreak. The Zygons, a race of shapeshifting aliens, have been living in secret amongst us on Earth, unknown and unseen. Queen Elizabeth I and a Zygon from The Day of the Doctor, A Zygon from their first adventure, Terror of the Zygons, Osgood - a love letter to Doctor Who fandom'. Menu. The group identifies themselves as Truth or Consequences. In the pre-title sequence we see Osgood running towards the police station in T or C Only that isnt Ingrid Oliver! Thus, the map at right is probably a good indicator of the DWU location of Truth or Consequences (town). The Zygon Invasion: The Fact File The read through for The Zygon Invasion took place on Wednesday, 29 April, 2015. The classic series was only occasionally interested in situating itself in terms of present-day controversies, and these instances are mostly confined to the Earthbound adventures of Jon Pertwees 3rd Doctor: The Green Death, for instance, has a lot to say about environmentalism, that most 1970s of hot-button topics (which isnt to say weve fixed, well, anything about the environment since then, but The Green Death is almost dizzyingly 1970s in its approach to the topic). Peter Harness Now thats doing your business in luxury. BBC One Ive had a chance to watch this episode a couple times now, and I can say that the twist works brilliantly either way: Perhaps Im just naive, but I had no inkling that Clara had been replaced on first viewing, while the second time round I picked up on all the clues that really ought to have given the game away. [9], The Doctor suggests that Osgood is a hybrid between a Zygon and human, continuing the theme of hybrids mentioned in "The Magician's Apprentice" / "The Witch's Familiar", "The Girl Who Died" and "The Woman Who Lived". Is the real world address of Rose Tyler's flat known? Why must a product of symmetric random variables be symmetric? The action involving Clara and Jac (Kates assistant) in England although starting off slow gathers momentum when its revealed that Clara has in fact been a Zygon from virtually the very beginning of the story. Powered by VIP. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Daniel Nettheim There's a superb episode of the Battlestar Galactica reboot, 33, that gets across the relentlessness and the repetition of war, in science fiction clothes. Given only ten minutes before UNIT begins bombing the Truth or Consequences splinter group, the Doctor searches the now empty Zygon base, finding Osgood tied up in the cellar; they barely manage to escape as the bombing begins early. Kate also reveals that UNIT has found what appears to be a Zygon training post in Turmezistan, which may serve as T.o.C. (TV: The Zygon Invasion), Kate shot and killed the Zygon. PTIJ Should we be afraid of Artificial Intelligence? A Zygon returns to kill them and gets knocked out by the debris, allowing easy capture. Bonnie launches the rocket, saying goodbye to the Doctor. Im hesitant to call this padding, because that implies scenes like these cant be worthwhile just because they help generate tension, but I suppose that goes back to the great challenge of reviewing only the first 45 minutes of a 90-minute story: Were still almost entirely in the buildup phase, and we can still only guess at how next weeks payoff recasts the opening episode. Clara Oswald: [using his mobile, the Doctor gets Clara's voice mail] Hi, this is Clara Oswald. She goes to the coast and contacts the Doctor, informing him of the deaths of his friends. And, yeah, theres a bit about global domination mixed in there, but thats just the outgrowth of what began as justifiable grievances from the younger brood. This exposition pill is initially hard to swallow, listed off before the opening credits even have a chance to roll by. At the block of flats where Clara lives, Clara is knocked unconscious and hidden in a pod underground. Truth or Consequences was a town in the American state of New Mexico, renamed after the TV series of the same name.It was located off Interstate 25.The town's police station used computer-generated images known as E-FITs.. During the 2010s, UNIT Chief Scientific Officer Kate Stewart visited the city to investigate a Zygon invasion, and was ultimately attacked by one disguised as the sheriff, C . A Zygon training post in Turmezistan, which basically turns Zygons inside-out, Clara, shot... Box, which can start and end a war with humans and Zygons where Clara,! Is holed up in, `` the Zygon Invasion was the seventh episode of series of. To kill them and gets knocked out by the debris, allowing them to the zygon invasion filming locations the appearance another... That UNIT has found what appears to be a Zygon returns to them..., the ceasefire & # x27 ; s broken down episode of series 9 Doctor. Emc test houses typically accept copper foil in EUT serves to radicalize the.! 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